Friday, November 29, 2019

PowerCLI - Virtual Host Hardware Information

I have recently been working on a asset inventory issue where I was provided a list of serial numbers from our hardware vendor and I was asked to reconcile it with what we had. Well that is easier said than done in most cases.

I know that vCenter collects a bunch of hardware information and I wanted to see if there was a way to pull the Serial number that is on the System board and put that information into a .csv.

In comes the following command:

 Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostHardware -SkipAllSslCertificateChecks | Export-Csv C:\temp\VMHostHardware.csv

This command will pull all the hardware information that vCenter records and puts it to a .CSV.

I will do my best to update this post with an example of what the results will look like.

I hope you find this post helpful, if so please share with your friends.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

PowerCLI - vSphere Role Privilege report

So I have been looking for ways to expand my knowledge with PowerCLI. This whole effort came about from going to VMWorld 2019 in San Francisco and seeing presentations by Kyle Ruddy and Luc Denkens. Let me tell you, they did some amazing things in their presentations. 

I had been working on a project where I needed to get list of all of the Non-Standard vCenter Roles along with the privileges assigned to those roles. I am still very new to this whole PowerCLI thing, but my google skills are top notch. I found a blog post on this blog

I ran the script to see how well it worked and it worked as advertised. I created a copy of the script on my Github which you can find here:

I hope you find this post helpful, and if you do please share it with your friends and colleagues.

I have moved!!!

Please check out my new blog which now contains all my old posts and some new goodies as well.  I can now be found at http://www.kenbshinn.c...