Friday, March 29, 2019

Adding an IDE Storage Adapter for an OVF that is supposed to run in vSphere? What were you thinking???

A few weeks ago I had the misfortune of having to deal with a .OVF that was sent by a support team to one of our engineers so we can run a Virtual Machine in our lab environment.

That seems pretty cut and dry, except when I go to import the .OVF and I get this message when the import gets to the Validating Step.

I had never seen this message before, but after seeing the part of the message that says DiskControllerReference, I automatically assumed that there was an issue with the .VMX file on the VM. Well because this is not a VM, but an .OVF I decided to open the .OVF file in Notepad ++ and found this.

I do not know why the person who created this .OVF selected a IDE controller for the HDD., but here we are.

I informed my Engineer of the issue, and he said that they told him to use VMware Converter to change it into an acceptable VM image. 

Giving them the benefit of the doubt, I downloaded the lastest copy of VMware Converter Standalone (which took me a day, because VMware's Download site was not working) and tried to convert it.

Guess what, It didn't work!!

This is also not the first time I have run into this issue with this particular vendor (who shall remain nameless). Their .OVA files will give you the same error message.  So needless to say anytime I run into this vendor, I immediately tell my Engineers to get me an .ISO and I will build them a VM from Scratch. 

I hope you find this post helpful, and if you would like to know more information about this, please feel free to DM me on one of my social media accounts. 

Thanks for reading, and check back soon for more articles. 

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